5 Types of hackers that are a threat to SMBs

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Malicious hackers are motivated by a variety of factors. Some do it for the thrill of it, some for the money, and still others simply want to put an end to your business. Understanding how they act and what motivates them will help you defend your company against them.

Script Kiddies

Script kids (also known as skids) are at the bottom of the hacker food chain in terms of expertise. They get their moniker from the fact that they rely on scripts and other automated tools created by others. They’re mostly young people looking for internet fame or who are bored and looking for a thrill.

Script kids, on the other hand, should not be discarded so readily. Skids created the ILOVEYOU virus, which is considered one of the worst malware on the planet.

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Hacktivists frequently target corporations and government systems in order to further a political cause or bring about social change. These so-called “hackers with a cause” steal sensitive information in order to expose or disrupt the activities of their target.

Even the owner of a small or medium-sized business (SMB) is vulnerable to hacktivist attacks. This is especially true if your company is linked to or collaborates with entities that are major targets for hackers.

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Cybercriminals break into digital systems or networks with the goal of stealing, destroying, tarnishing, and/or locking data away. They mainly go after individuals, small businesses, and major corporations with vulnerable cybersecurity flaws.

Cybercriminals utilise a variety of approaches, including social engineering, to persuade users to divulge critical personal or commercial information. This data is then exploited for identity theft, sold on the black market, or utilised to launch attacks against other companies. Ransomware and other types of malware can also be used by cybercriminals to infect computers.

State-sponsored hackers

These hackers are backed by governments, as their name implies. The hackers’ purpose is to promote the interests of their backers both domestically and internationally. Taking down websites that criticise the government, manipulating public opinion, cyber-terrorism, and leaking top-secret information are all examples of this.

State-sponsored hackers are already harmful to business owners, but when they set out to damage a whole country’s financial system or disrupt commodity supply lines, they become even more so. This could include disturbing corporate operations or interfering with the economy. Companies in the tech and pharmaceutical industries are frequently targeted, but businesses in other areas are also vulnerable to state-sponsored hackers.

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The most dangerous form of hacker is one that works for your company. Current and former workers, contractors, and business associates might all be considered insiders. Their mission is frequently retaliation. To make up for a wrong they believe a firm has done to them, they’ll steal key information or try to disrupt the organization’s activities. Edward Snowden is a prime example of an insider who hacked the institution for which he worked – the United States government.

Hackers are constantly modifying their strategies to achieve their objectives, making them a constant threat to any organisation, including yours. Working with cybersecurity specialists who can assist safeguard your firm from harmful hackers and other cyberthreats is critical to staying one step ahead. To get started, contact our staff now.